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This privacy policy documents the data ("Data", "Information", "Personal Information") collected about you ("User", "you") when you are visiting the website ("Website") and all connected services ("Services", which includes the Website) like the discord bot ("Bot") and the way that these Services use said Data in the clearest way possible.
If you disagree with any of the described terms, please discontinue the use of these Services immediately.

Collected information

Personal information

“Personal information” includes Data directly concerning you as an indiviual, and Data that could be used to identify you. The Personal Information collected by the Services depend on the context of your interaction with the Services, the choices you make and the Services you use. Personal information that is collected may include:

  • Personal information provided by you. Personal information about you that is directly submitted by you via the Website or that you knowingly provided to the Bot by using it within the context of a discord slash command or a text message starting with the configured prefix to invoke the Bot may be collected and stored for future use by the Services. This includes your preferred name, the gender and animal you want to be identified as (if any), and information about your account in external third party services can be linked to these Services.
  • Your discord profile. Information about your discord account which can be used to identify you when using the Bot and the Website will be collected when using any of the Services. This includes your discord user ID, your profile picture and the discord comminities you are a part of. While the Services process every guild you are a part of, only guilds that you and the Bot share at any time are collected.

Other information

“Other information” refers to any Data that can not be used to identify you as an individual. This Data is automatically collected while you are using the Services. Automatically collected information may include:

  • Device data. The Website may collect device data such as your IP address and device and application identification numbers.
  • BunnyBot Usage data. Usage data is service related and collected to facilitate the provided functionality. This Data may include a profile containing non-personal data such as your cookie count, inventory and other functions contained within the Bot, and your interactions with other users strictly in the context of the Bot.
    This does explicitly not include a log of your messages sent in any of your discord guilds, nor a log of your interactions with other users or the Bot.

Usage of the information

The Services use the collected information the purposes described below.

  • To facility identification of you when using the Website. When using the Website to personalize and edit your experience with the Services, explicitly the Bot, your personal information is used to confirm that you are allowed to access the desired content, and to ensure that you are indeed the discord user you claim to be.
  • To allow for a personalized experience with the Services. The Services use the collected information to bring you the desired experience. Commands within the Bot may have lasting effects, and may be personalized to your liking. To facilitate such functionality, the Services use the collected data to build a profile that describes your current state within the context of the Bot.
  • To fetch your Final Fantasy XIV Character. If you chose to link your Final Fantasy XIV character to the Bot, that information is used to query information about your character via third party services every time you or any user of the same guild in which you shared that information request that information. No such query is made automatically or to collect any data. The result of such queries is not stored.

Information shared with third parties

No data collected within the Services are shared with third parties. Neither your personal information, nor your internal BunnyBot profile will ever leave the context of BunnyBot.

Discord login

The Website offers you the option to login using your discord account. As described earlier, this is used to confirm your identity and to find guilds that you and the Bot share. The information received during that login is only used for said purpose, and all further information is discarded immediately.

Storage duration

The collected data is kept as long as it is necessary for the Services to function. Data concerning you within any guild is discarded as soon as you leave that guild, and your discord login will be discarded the moment you logout of the Website.
To offer a quicker user experience, the login will however not be discaded when simply leaving the Website.

This document was last updated on November 13, 2022