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Welcome to BunnyBot

BunnyBot is your all in one solution for your discord bot needs. From administrative tools to entertainment for your users, BunnyBot got you covered.

Reaction roles
BunnyBot features a comprehensive system for your users to automatically assign themselves roles on a set of rules you define.
All throughout BunnyBot "cookies" are a common language. Build and upgrade your own cookiefarm, surpass your friends and spend your cookies for special commands and items.
Game integration
Share your Final Fantasy XIV character with your friends, or play several variants of Ultimate Bravery with just a few clicks.
With over 50 emotes, there will almost never be a moment where you can't properly express your feelings.
Get started

For now, BunnyBot is a private bot and you will have to know the author to add it to your server.

If you already are on a server with BunnyBot, all you have to do to get started is using the "/help" command to see what BunnyBot can do.
If you want to customize your BunnyBot experience via this website, login with your discord account to get started. Afterwards, select the right server in the top right and you are set.